User Interface

For programs that use the “official” application interface (e.g. via the Katydid application) a user sets options in a program using either a configuration file, or command-line options. Both of these mechanisms allow the user to change the parameters of a program without recompiling any code.

Before getting to the configuration files or command-line options, there are three important built-in command line options that all users should be aware of:

  • -h [–help] – Print the help message for the executable and exit.

  • -v [–version] – Print the version information for the executable and exit.

  • -c [–config] /path/to/config/file.json – Specifies the path to the configuration file that should be used.

Configuration Files

Configuration files are broken up into two main sections:

  • Configuring the processor toolbox
    • Defining of which processors will be used

    • Configuring the processor connections

    • Configuring which processor(s) is in charge of the run

  • Configuring each individual processor.

Both JSON- and YAML-formated files can be parsed. Here is an example of an annotated YAML-formatted configuration file::

    - type: egg-processor
      name: egg
    - type: forward-fftw
      name: fft
    - type: convert-to-power
      name: to-ps
    - type: basic-root-writer
      name: writer

    - signal: "egg:header"
      slot: "fft:header"
    - signal: "egg:ts"
      slot: "fft:ts-fftw"
    - signal: "fft:fft"
      slot: "to-ps:fs-fftw-to-psd"
    - signal: "to-ps:psd"
      slot: "writer:ps"

    - egg

      filename: "/path/to/file.egg"
      egg-reader: egg3
      slice-size: 16384
      number-of-slices: 1

      transform-flag: ESTIMATE

      output-file: "/path/to/file.root"
      file-flag: recreate

Command-Line Options

The built-in options are discussed above. Those are available for any program using Katydid’s application interface. Other command-line options can be added by various parts of the code to provide short-cuts for setting certain parameters. Command-line options always take precedence over settings from a configuration file. The command-line options available for an application can be found using the -h (–help) command-line option. Generally there are also configuration-file options available that can set the same parameters. For example by adding

--brw-file [/path/to/file]

the configuration of the output file path and name of the basic-root-writer is overwritten.

Modifying Configuration-File Parameters from the Command Line

Even if an application or a class does not specify a command-line option for modifying a certain parameter, it is still possible to set that parameter from the command line, or add parameters to the configuration. The entire nested address of the parameter is used as the command-line-option name. For example, to change the FFTW transform flag in the above configuration file, one would use –fft.transform-flag=”PATIENT”. To get all of the options, build-in and configuration-file-based, you can run Katydid –help-config -c my_config.json .